simple healthy budget recipess Photo
simple healthy budget recipes

Hello and welcome to The Graduate Cookbook! My name is Jill and I am the author and blogger behind The Graduate Cookbook. I started this blog and cookbook in August 2012 as a way to share my recipes and offer tips on cooking very easy mostly healthy meals on a budget. My inspiration for this book is my daughter Amalia. I realized that she never learned to cook even though she’d been living with a person that cooks every day (me). How did this happen? Knowing that she was leaving in 6 months I started writing down my recipes, and simplifying them for a beginner cook. Next thing you know, I’d written 187 recipes! Please browse Recipe Index to see what kind recipes are on The Graduate Cookbook. The recipes are a mix of international vegan, vegetarian and meat dishes. I hope you will enjoy trying out my recipes and I would appreciate any comments and feedback you may have.

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Indian Spinach and Potatoes

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