Fresh Breath Toothpaste
  • Preparation Time: 15-20 minutes
  • 1 cup of unrefined virgin Coconut Oil
  • 1/2 of teaspoon of Tumeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Kelp
  • 1/8 of dried parsley flakes
  1. Place one cup of coconut oil in a hot water bath to make it soft and pliable. (Unless it already is!)
  2. Add the tumeric, jell and parsley flakes
  3. Mix throughly, store in fridge between uses
  4. Rub the teeth gently and massage the gums lightly. Make sure this toothpaste is slightly warm (Do not microwave or cook this toothpaste in any way, as that will kill enzymes and nutrients.
  5. To soften it, simply place it in a warm water bath before using) so that it is soft enough to use.
A natural toothpaste is a healthy, safe herbal mixture that has plenty of health benefits and no junk or dangerous chemicals!