Laulau (steamed Butterfish & Pork)
  • Cooking Time: 240
  • Servings: 6-8
  • 5 pounds taro leaves*
  • 4 pounds pork butt
  • Hawaiian salt* to taste
  • 2 pounds salted butterfish
  • 48 ti leaves*
  1. Cut pork butt and butterfish into 16 pieces.
  2. Wash taro leaves cutting off the stem and the large vein from each leaf. Wrap one piece of each meat into two or three taro leaves.
  3. Arrange three ti leaves on table crossing each leaf making a circle. Place taro wrapped pork and butterfish in center of ti leaves, bringing ti leave ends up and together and tie together tightly with string. Cut excess ti leaf stalks.
  4. Arrange on a rack of a large steam pot with a tight cover. Add water and steam for 4 hours. Yield 16 servings.
  5. Note: Ti leaves should not be eaten, not because they are poisoness, but they make an excellent laxative.
  6. *Taro leaves can be purchased at some supermarkets or on line, while ti leaves can be purchased from your local florist or on line.
As I mentioned before that the taro has been the traditional food of Hawaiians for centuries, not only its roots but also the leaves. This recipe we found in Numba 1 Hawaiian Cookbook which was published in 1978 by Hui O Hawaii of San Fernando Valley.